With a new year just around the corner, we felt it would be nice to bring a fresh look to the site. With that being said it is time that we say goodbye to our old website. We would like to thank everyone that did follow us and provided positive feedback on the current site but it is time we say goodbye.

The site was and still is a great site. It helped us showcase our work while also expressing our freedom to be creative. However after having the site running since 2009 it’s always nice from time to time to give the look a new overhaul.

With developing the new look we wanted to make sure to keep with the basic founding features of the overall branding. You may not notice them at first but they are there. We also wanted to keep the site simple and easy to use much like our original site. So with that being said… we welcome in the new year and a new site. We hope you enjoy the site as much as you did the first one.

the team at
unique design studios

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